The Mutual Effects of the U.S. Foreign Policy and the US Congressional Election

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Dr. Mahmoud Vaezi
14 December 2006


The U.S. neoconservatives in the Republican Party began their efforts to implement their uncompleted plans since Bush's coming to power in 2000. These plans which had been developed in the early 1990s aimed at expanding the U.S. influence throughout the world, and eliminating the U.S. enemies by resorting to all possible means in line with the creation of a unipolar world led by the U.S. For this reason, the Bush administration pulled the U.S. out of the ABM treaty and withheld the ratification of Kyoto protocol.

The September 11 event in 2001 opened a new chapter in Bush's domestic and foreign policies. This event put under question the credit and influence of the U.S. security and intelligence services. Neo- conservatives exploited this event to realize their goals by the aggrandizement of the danger of terrorism to increase their popularity at the domestic level and to consolidate the U.S. hegemony and leadership at the international level.
Along these lines, the U.S. attacked on Afghanistan and Iraq. This article argues that the Bush administration's foreign policy has been the main cause of the defeat of Republicans in the recent election. Also, the author examines the mutual effects of the U.S. foreign policy and the recent election, and the consequences of the congressional election for the U.S. approach on Iran.